(written by George F. Bacon, published 1981 by Mercantile Publishing Company, Boston)
The territory included in the present towns of Newmarket and South Newmarket was a part of Exeter for nearly a century, for that town was founded in 1638 and Newmarket was set apart in 1737.
It had been made a distinct parish in 1727, but was not incorporated as a town until ten years later. The town of South Newmarket is but little more than forty years old; it having been set apart from Newmarket June 27, 1849.
There is no positive evidence as to the date of Newmarket’s first settlement but the probability is that it occurred but a few years after the settlement of Dover Point, in 1623, or between 1630 and 1640. The pioneers located themselves on the Lamprey River, and from depositions made by early ‘Settlers of Dover’ we learn that the land on both sides of that stream was utilized as early as 1636, and that fishing, planting, and the felling or timber was then quite extensively carried on.
The origin of the name of this river is somewhat uncertain; some claiming that it was named after John Lamprae, a Frenchman who first settled on its shores, while others assert that the name was derived from the swarms of lamprey eels that once filled the waters. The latter explanation is the more probable of the two; it being supported by the fact that the earlier records refer to the river as the Lamperiele,” the” Lampreel,” or the” Lamprele,” the name Lamprey being first used in 1652. As the principal occupation of the settlers was fishing, it has been suggested that the name” Newmarket” arose from the establishment of a new market for the sale and purchase of fish, and probably such was the fact but there is no direct evidence bearing upon the subject. The village which grew up along the bank of the stream was known as “Lamprey River,” and in course of time became a flourishing and important place, containing a saw mill, grist mill, and carding mill, and being a prominent lumber market.
Not only was there a large amount of ship timber cut and sold here but ship building was extensively carried on, some of the vessels being of 500 tons burden, which was considered very large in those days. Ship building was also carried on at “Newfields” village in what is now South Newmarket, the name” Newfields” arising from the beautiful lands bordering on the Squamscott River. The date of the first settlement at this point is almost as uncertain as that at Lamprey River, but it is known that Edward Hilton, who came to Dover in 1623, had built a house at Newfields as early as “the 4th day in the first week in the 10th month,” 1639.
The area and population of Newmarket were materially reduced by the division of the town to form South Newmarket, in 1849, but some compensation was made in June, 1870, when a portion of Durham was annexed. The township is bounded on the north by Strafford County; on the east by Great Bay; on the south by South Newmarket; and on the West by Epping. Newmarket village is fifty-seven miles from Boston via the Boston & Maine Railroad, which passes directly through the town from North to South and is crossed near the southern boundary by the Concord & Portsmouth Railroad at “Newmarket Junction.” The village is thirty-six miles southeast from Concord, fourteen miles west from Portsmouth and about mid-way between Dover on the north and Exeter on the south.
South Newmarket is very pleasantly situated on the Squamscott River which bounds it on the east; Exeter bounding it on the south; Epping on the west; and Newmarket on the north. The Concord & Portsmouth Railroad enters the township at the southwest corner and emerges at the northeast corner; and the Boston &; Maine Railroad enters at the southeast corner and proceeds almost due north entirely across the town and across the line of the Concord-Portsmouth Road; Newmarket Junction being within the limits of South Newmarket, which has an area of about 6,000 acres, more than half of which is improved land.
The early development of Newmarket was comparatively steady and uneventful, the pioneers having natural obstacles only to contend with during the first thirty to forty years, but with the opening of
King Philip’s war, in 1675, serious trouble with the Indians began and continued, with brief intervals of peace until 1760, when the last French and Indian War was ended by the capture of Montreal. Then began an unprecedented era of prosperity for New Hampshire, great gains being made in wealth and population, immense tracts of land being brought under cultivation and many important manufacturing enterprises being successfully inaugurated, but this happy condition of affairs did not last long, it being brought to an abrupt and absolute termination by the breaking out of the Revolution.
Many of Newmarket’s leading men were Royalists, and sympathized more deeply with the “divine right” of the King to rule as he pleased than with the American colonists, in spite of the unreasonable demands made upon the latter; but Newmarket was not peculiar in this respect, the same condition of affairs existing in all the older communities. But the great majority of the townspeople were in favor of rebellion, as is proved by the fact that the “Association Test,” returned to the Committee of Safety, July 12, 1776, by the Newmarket Selectmen, bore the names of 164 persons, who, by their signature, did” hereby solemnly engage and promise that we will to the utmost in our Power, at the Risque of our Lives and Fortunes, with Arms oppose the Hostile Proceedings of the British Fleets and Armies against the United American Colonies.” Signature was refused by thirty-eight residents of the town, but not all of these were Tories, for some were Quakers who would not fight in any case, and others were too feeble from age or disease to bear arms and would not promise what they could not perform.
Newmarket was represented on nearly every battle-field of the war and was complimented by the Committee of Safety on the” truly forward and patriotic disposition often shown by the inhabitants in the common cause.” Valuable service was rendered also in the Second War with England, 1812-15, and during the late Rebellion both Newmarket and South Newmarket nobly maintained the honor of “the old town from which they sprung.”
The Newmarket Manufacturing Company was incorporated in 1822, and the building of the first mill was begun the following year. This corporation operates five immense mills and during the year ending May J, 1890, produced nearly 9,000 miles of cotton goods. The year 1834 witnessed the incorporation of the South Newmarket Iron Foundry which was destined, in conjunction with the Swamscott Machine Company, incorporated in 1846, to build up an enterprise which should be of inestimable benefit to this section. Amos Paul was the leading spirit in both these concerns, which are now merged into one under his control. The Swamscott Machine Company utilize one of the most complete and best located plants in New England; the facilities for transportation both by land and water being especially noteworthy. The principal productions are steam engines and boilers, steam and gas fittings, wrought iron pipe, and various patented specialties.
We have said that ship building was one of the earliest industries at Lamprey River and at Newfields, and for many years this and the production of lumber and shooks were the chief occupation of the inhabitants; but iron works were set up at Lamprey River as early as 1719; and this business, was established at Newfields in 1830, the first blast being blown on Christmas Day.
There are no financial institutions at South Newmarket but in the parent town there two,-the Newmarket Savings Bank, incorporated in 1832, and the Newmarket National Bank, founded in 1853 and incorporated under national banking laws in 1865. Both are excellently managed and do much to encourage thrift and industry and facilitate mercantile transactions.
The villages are well supplied with stores of various kinds, and contain schools, churches, and social and fraternal societies of a character befitting progressive and intelligent New England communities made up of thinking men and women.
Newmarket National Bank, Newmarket
The residents of Newmarket are too well aware and too appreciative of the value of the services rendered by the Newmarket Bank since its incorporation in 1855, to make it necessary for us to eulogize this institution, but mention of it is an essential part of a review of the business interests of the town, and it this mention take the form of eulogy it is a necessary consequence of the ability and liberality with which the affairs of the bank have been administered from the beginning. It was incorporated as a state bank in 1855, with a capital of $80,000, and although the institution was reorganized under
the national banking laws in 1865, the capital remained unchanged, and has continued so to the present time. The same may be said of the position of cashier, for Mr. Samuel A. Haley was elected to that office when the bank was first organized and has held it ever since. Prior to his connection with the bank Mr. Haley was extensively engaged here in trade and in the manufacture of clothing, and not one of Newmarket’s business men is now more widely known or is regarded as being more thoroughly identified with the advancement of the best interests of the town. The first president of the bank was Mr. Z. Dow Creighton, who was followed by Mr. Joseph B. Lawrence, he by Mr. Wm. B. Small and he by the present incumbent, Mr. Joseph C. Burley. Mr. Burley is a representative business man and the same may be said of each of his associates on the board of directors, which is constituted as follows: Joseph C. Burley, John B. Griffiths, N. B. Treadwell, Benjamin F. Lang, Benjamin F. Haley, Thomas H.Winkley, and Joseph N. Cilly.
Under such guidance it is not surprising that the bank has been and is of great benefit to the community, and ranks among the soundest and most progressive financial institutions of New Hampshire, its management being conservative but not timid, and enterprising but not speculative.
A. M. Priest — Clothing, Hats, Gents’ Furnishing, Main Street, Newmarket
Goods, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Patent Medicines and Fancy Goods
Newmarket, N. H.-The establishment conducted by Mr. M. Priest was founded over fifteen years ago, but when its age its only recommendation we would not take up the time of our readers in writing
about it, for this book has to do with the live concerns of today and not with relics of a bye gone period. But Mr. Priest does not depend upon the past to distinguish his establishment; on the contrary he is fully alive to the demands of the present day and offers inducements to purchasers of clothing, gentlemen’s furnishings, hats, etc. The store is 30X60 feet in dimensions with a storehouse twice as large as the store, and contains a stock which must be seen to be appreciated, for it includes nothing but fresh seasonable goods, selected carefully and sure to give satisfaction to the most critical. In connection with the goods already mentioned, Mr. Priest deals extensively in fancy goods, jewelry, silverware and patent medicines. All of which are quoted at the most reasonable prices. Both a wholesale and retail business is done. Mr. Priest is a native of Newmarket and is too well known to require extended personal mention, he having filled the office of town clerk, and also that of representative. He gives employment to from two to five assistants, and not the least commendable feature of his management is the prompt and polite service to patrons.
Newmarket Savings Bank, Newmarket
A person born and brought up in New England is apt not to appreciate the savings institutions so common in that section, fur the simple reason that he accepts them as a matter of course, and does not take the trouble to estimate the value of the service they render. But one who has lived for any considerable time in the West, and has seen from personal observation the disadvantages of residing where there is no opportunity for the secure and profitable investment of small savings, can hardly speak too highly of our New England institutions, and may be depended upon to give full credit to those identified with their management. Some may say that no especial credit should be given to the management of a purely business enterprise, such as a savings bank, for it is a money-making and not a charitable institution, but it seems to us that for that very reason our savings bank officers should be encouraged by public approbation to extend the usefulness of their institutions, for aid that does not injure self-respect and that fosters self-reliance is immeasurably more valuable than that which takes the guise of charity, and such is the help our savings banks affords. The Newmarket Savings Bank was incorporated in 1852, and during the nearly sixty years of its existence helped people to help themselves to an extent that no man can truly estimate. Many a dollar has been saved and finally applied to some useful purpose that would have been wasted had this bank not existed; many a man has been helped to better his position, and to provide for those dependent upon him. The bank has always been well managed. It enjoys the full confidence of the people and it was never more worthy of that confidence than at the present time, for its financial condition is excellent, and its affairs are in the hands of the following able and experienced business men: president, Timothy Joy; treasurer, Samuel A. Haley; trustees, Timothy Joy, Samuel A. Haley. Benjamin Mathes, Jr., Charles E. Winkly, Bradford Kingman, Aaron L Mellows, John F. Chapman, Ambrose J. Nichols, Napoleon B. Treadwell.
J. F. Ham & Son, Dealers in Meat and Groceries -Durhamside (Ham Court) & 6 Chapel Street, Newmarket
Knowing as we do the many advantages to be gained from trading with enterprising and reliable deaIers in groceries and meals, we take especial pleasure in making prominent mention of the
establishment conducted by J. F. Ham & Son, at Durham Side of Newmarket. This store is of old standing, having been established many years ago by Mr. J. F. Ham who took his son, Mr. J. F. Ham, Jr.,
into partnership with him over twenty years ago. Both gentlemen are natives of Newmarket, and well known and highly respected citizens.
Mr. Ham, Sr., is connected with the bank here, and his son has been representative and served in the United States Army. The premises occupied comprise a store 800 feet in size in addition to which is a large store· room. The stock on hand includes choice groceries and meats of all kinds, and is offered at the lowest market rates, the quality of the goods being guaranteed. Orders are filled without delay, and delivered if desired. The firm gives close personal attention to the business.
Clarence L. Dame, Manufacturer of Harnesses of All Kinds, Robes, Whips, Blankets, etc., Horse Clothing,
Horse Boots, etc., Repairing in all its Branches, Main Street, Newmarket
While no man is to be blamed for trying to purchase the goods he requires as cheaply as possible, still it should always be remembered that articles of standard merit have a much more uniform or standard price than those which are simply made to sell as the saying is, and that the lowest priced articles are therefore not necessarily the cheapest. This principle applies to every line of business, and particularly to that devoted to the manufacture and sale of harnesses, whips and horse-furnishing goods in general, for these goods vary greatly in quality, and good material and skillful workmanship have to be paid for every time. The establishment now conducted by Mr. Clarence L. Dame, and devoted to the manufacture and sale of the goods already mentioned, was originally founded by Mr. George Dockham, and has since been managed in turn by Messrs, Chas. Rogers and J. N. Foulton, until the present proprietor took control of it in 1889. Since which date he has built up a brisk and growing trade, and his methods have been straightforward and enterprising from the first. Mr. Dame is a native of Maiden, Mass. His premises are located on Main Street and are about 400 feet in size and a choice stock of harnesses, robes, whips and blankets is carried and offered at the lowest rates. A capable assistant is employed and all orders for custom work or repairing are given immediate attention.
G. H. Proctor & Son, Co
Contractors and Builders, Main Street, Newmarket
The firm of G. H. Proctor & Son have carried on business in Newmarket and vicinity for several years, and have become so thoroughly identified with the town and its development as to deserve a leading position among the business men of that section of the State. The firm is composed of Mr. G. B. and Wm. Proctor, both of whom are extremely well and favorably known in both business and social circles. They are extensive contractors and builders. The number of their employees varies of course, with the contracts on hand, but they have always a sufficient number to enable them to undertake and execute the most extensive commissions at very short notice. The premises in use are located on Main Street, and are conveniently fitted up with every necessary facility. The firm is in a position to figure “very closely”, and they will promptly and cheerfully give estimates on work of any kind in their line. Jobbing orders will be given immediate and painstaking attention, and will be executed satisfactorily at very moderate rates.
John Haley, dealer in Dry Goods and Small Wares, Main Street, Newmarket
An establishment which stands very high in the estimation of the residents of Newmarket and vicinity, particularly those who are numbered among the fair sex, is that conducted by Mr. John Haley, and located on Main Street. Their enterprise was founded by the present proprietor in 1878. The premises are 18x45 feet in size, and contain a stock of dry and fancy goods, small wares, etc., which would not suffer by comparison with that ordered by many establishments making great pretensions to enterprise and the magnitude of its dealings. Ladies who wish to examine the latest novelties in the line of dry goods, etc., know well that time and money can be saved by going direct to this popular store. The stock is given close and painstaking attention, and will be found to be complete in every detail. Low prices rule, or the maxim, “quick sales and small profits,” is fully carried out, the result being that the assortment is in constant process of renewal, and is composed exclusively of fresh and reasonable goods. A competent assistant is employed, and all callers are assured of receiving prompt and polite attention.
Morgan House. Neally Morgan, Proprietor, Main Street, Newmarket
There are some hotels which promise more than they perform. Others which manage to come about even, and It few that prove to be all that is represented with” something to spare,” and to our mind the Morgan House should be included in the latter class. It is not a very large hotel, accommodating but twenty- five guests, but it is all the more homelike on that account, and patrons are served with a hearty good will, as rare as it is gratifying. This house was established many years ago by Mr. F. Tuttle and has since been managed by two others before Mr. Neally Morgan took control of it in 1886.
(photo: Morgan House between Town Hall & the Church, later known as The Newmarket House)
This gentleman has been representative, and also engineer of fire department, and is very widely known and highly respected in this community. He is very popular among his guests, and certainly ought to be, for he strives to make things pleasant for everybody, and succeeds so admirably as to prove that he has made no mistake in his vocation. The hotel is located on Main street and is provided with comfortably furnished sleeping- rooms, and the table is bountifully supplied with a variety of nutritious food, well-cooked and neatly served. Four competent assistants are employed who render prompt and accurate service to all requirements of guests.
R. Grant, Livery Stable, near Depot, Newmarket
There is many a cure for disease not to be found in any apothecary store, and it may be added that the same may be said of preventatives of it. Fresh air, rapid motion and the exhilaration attending driving are often times more potent than any drugs in straightening out a man, and if more frequent use were made of them by overworked business men, some of our physicians could safely take a holiday. We believe that people are beginning to appreciate this fact, and to guide such as may be uncertain as to where they can secure a desirable team at a fair rate, we would suggest a visit to the establishment conducted by Mr. R. Grant and located near the railroad depot in Newmarket. Mr. Grant is possessed of the means to assure his patrons the best service in every respect. He takes a pride in furnishing such horses and carriages as no one need be ashamed of, and although he does not pretend to have a “Maud S.” in his stable, still he does strive to furnish good roadsters as well as stylish appearing animals. The premises are well kept and conveniently arranged, a new building, 80X32 feet having been built during the present winter which, in addition to tile old quarters, make it the best-appointed livery stable in this town. Intelligent assistants are at hand to render service to callers. Moderate rates are adhered to and satisfaction guaranteed.
Miss L. Stevens
Dealer in Millinery and Fancy Goods, corner Main and Chapel Streets, Newmarket
The enterprise now carried on by Miss L. Stevens, was inaugurated over forty years ago, by Mrs. M.A. Badger, the present proprietress assuming control of the business in 1883. This lady has gained a high degree of popularity in this vicinity, for the public are quick to appreciate liberal, intelligent and honorable business methods and those practiced at the establishment to which we have reference, certainly are entitled to be so characterized. Miss Stevens is a native of Suncook, N. H., and has had ample experience in her present line of business, the result being that she is prepared to meet all honorable competition and to assure satisfaction to the most fastidious patrons. The premises occupied are located corner Main and Chapel Streets and are about 500 square feet in size, thus giving ample space for the carrying of a large stock of millinery and fancy goods. The very latest fashionable novelties are shown in the various departments of the stock, and the lowest prices are quoted on all goods handled. Order work is given particular attention, an assistant being employed when required, who is experienced and skillful.
C.E. Tasker —dealer in Coffins, Caskets, Robes, Cut Flowers, Wreaths, Wheats, etc.
The business carried on by Mr. C. E. Tasker, is the only one of the kind in this town, and has developed to very extensive proportions by years of faithful public service. It was founded in 1868 by the present proprietor. He is a native of Newmarket, has been representative, town treasurer, a member of the board of selectmen, and is superintendent of schools, and possesses to a marked degree the respect and confidence of his fellow citizens. Mr. Tasker is a practical undertaker and embalmer, and also a dealer in coffins, caskets, robes, cut flowers, wreaths, wheats, etc. He employs from one to three assistants, and is prepared to give prompt and painstaking attention to every order, and to supply anything in his line at short notice and at moderate rates.
The premises in use comprise a two story building, each floor of the dimensions of 20X40 feet. Undertaking commissions will be faithfully and skillfully executed at the shortest possible notice, the most approved methods being employed, and every detail being conscientiously attended to. Sunday and night orders may be sent to Mr. Taker’s residence, No. 17 Exeter Street.
J. O. Davis, “Davis’ Oyster House,” Main Street, Newmarket
Although “Davis Oyster House” is an establishment that is widely known in Newmarket there are doubtless many of our readers who have never made personal trial of the accommodations that it affords, and hence are unacquainted with the advantages of patronizing this house. To such all we can say is: “Give this establishment a trial.” To be sure we might mention the fact that everything furnished here is of the best, and we might remark that the service is prompt, competent and willing, and that the cooking is first· class in every respect; but all these things can be best found out by calling at the establishment yourself and giving a trial order. The business was founded in 1865 by Messrs. Davis & Furber, (two former Army veterans). The present proprietor is Mr. J. O. Davis who assumed sole control of it in 1874. The premises utilized are located on Main Street and can comfortably seat twenty five guests. Oysters are served in any desirable way, and tasty dishes can here be obtained at all times; cigars and tobacco are also dealt in and all the best brands are constantly carried. A well-appointed pool· room is connected with the establishment.
(Exeter Newsletter, 24 May 1898 — John. O. Davis was found dead this morning. A well-known musician was found dead in the cellar of his Oyster House of which he was the proprietor. It is thought he fell while descending the steps last night. He is 65 years of age and has been in business here 35 years.)
W.W. Durrell, Dealer in Dry Goods, Millinery, Furniture and Carpeting’s, Creighton’s New Block, Main Street, Newmarket
The business now conducted by Mr. W. W. Durell in Creighton’s New Block, at Newmarket, was originally established by Mr. Benj. Haley, the present proprietor assuming control of it in 1880, or thereabouts. This store is one of the most popular of its kind in town. Philosophers tell us there is no effect without a cause, and in the present case the cause is so evident that it can hardly fail to be understood by the least observing. Mr. Durell has always made it a point to keep faith with his customers, to make no announcements not justified by facts, and to offer no “bargains” that were such only in name. In short, he has built up his business by treating patrons like reasonable and sensible people, and the result is to be seen in the character no less than in the extent of his trade.
Equal consideration is shown to all, and no goods offered that cannot be guaranteed to prove as represented. The premises occupied comprise three floors, 20x50 feet in dimensions, and a large storeroom besides. The stock carried is both extensive and varied, consisting as it does of dry goods and millinery of every kind and style. An apartment is also devoted to ladies’ and children’s cloaks and outside garments. In another department is found a full line of furniture, carpeting’s, etc. Two assistants are employed, and customers are served politely as well as promptly. Mr. Durell is a native of Newmarket and has many friends here. He served in the U. S. Army, and has been a member of the board of selectmen.
K. of L. Co-operative Association Shoe Store, Newmarket
It is not so much the amount of pay a man gets, as it is the amount of goods he is able to purchase for his pay, that determines his position in the community, and it is a self-evident fact that a reduction in the price of all the necessaries of life would be practically equivalent to a like increase in wages. The Knights of Labor have done much to improve the condition of workingmen, or rather, it would be more correct to say, the workingmen have done much to improve their own condition through the Knights of Labor, and one of the most efficient means adopted to bring about this result in Newmarket and vicinity, is the formation of the Knights of Labor Co-operative Boot and Shoe Association. This enterprise is conducted by a stock company, Mr. Wm. A. Brackett being the active manager. The premises occupied are 600 feet in size, and the stock includes ladies’, gents’, boys’, youth’s, misses’ and children’s fine boots, shoes and rubbers. The assortment is large and well selected, and efficient and accommodating assistants are employed. Very low prices are quoted on all the goods handled, the quality being considered, and purchasers have the satisfaction of knowing that every article is sure to prove as represented.
Chas. E. Winkley, Carriage Making and General Jobbing; Water Street,
There are none so far as we know who need less said in favor of their work than does Mr. Charles E. Winkley, for each job done by him brings a second, and the reliable work done by him is his best reference. Some men are always looking for cheap prices and these men usually get cheap work done and suffer accordingly. But there are many who are not so easily imposed upon, and this class naturally prefers to do business with such a man as Mr. Winkley, although he makes no large pretensions, yet he has been identified with the making and repairing of carriages since 1885, and has a reputation for turning out honest work at fair prices. Mr. Winkley was born in this town, and has been a member of school committee and also representative.
He is generally known in Newmarket and is known in this community as an excellent mechanic and capable of doing a great variety of work. He carries on business in premises on Water Street. Repairing and general jobbing work, mill and architectural work is done in a most satisfactory manner, and all prices quoted on new and repair work will compare favorably with those quoted by others doing equally good work, and using equally good material.
Silver’s Hotel, Joseph B. Silver, Proprietor;
Carriages to and from every train; Horses and Carriages to Let, Main Street, Newmarket
Silver’s Hotel, located on Main Street, Newmarket. N. H. is a fine an example of a well-managed hotel, making no pretentions but performing more than is promised, as we are acquainted with, and we take especial pleasure in commending it to the favorable attention of those who appreciate “solid comfort” in hotel life. The house was founded by Mr. Henry H. Smith, who was succeeded the present proprietor, Mr. Joseph R. Silver, in 1870.
(Photos: early photos showing Silver Hotel sign, and viewers at a town parade. Silver Hotel later became the Hotel Willey)
This gentleman is a native of Troy. N. Y. He is chief engineer of the fire department, and has a host of friends in Newmarket and vicinity, and the list is constantly increasing for the traveling public are, generally speaking, prompt to appreciate square and liberal treatment and Mr. Silver means to use every guest as well as he knows how. The house can accommodate twenty five, and the sleeping rooms are comfortably furnished throughout, while the premises are kept in a neat and attractive condition, employment being given to two competent assistants. The terms are moderate, and the table will be found to be decidedly superior to the average, both as regards the variety of the hill of fare and the quality of the cooking, while the service is prompt, polite and intelligent. There is a good livery connected with the house, and horses and carriages may be had at moderate prices, while carriages run to and from every train.
O. V. Doe, Fine Tailoring, Furnishing Goods and Ready-made Clothing, manufacturer of Doe’s Hangers. Salesroom in Exeter, N. H., open Wednesdays, Newmarket, N.
Much finer clothing is now required to supply the demand for gentlemen’s garments than was formerly the case, for the country is rapidly gaining in wealth and its residents are also gaining in culture
and refinement. For many years Newmarket has held the reputation of being able to furnish clothing which would compare with the best of that produced in the great trade centers, and this reputation is as well deserved to day as ever, as will be seen by a visit to the establishment conducted by Mr. C. V. Doe, at No. 64 Main Street. This establishment was founded over fifteen years ago by Mr. Doe. He was formerly associated with Mr. Kelsey, but since 1887 has controlled the business alone. Mr. Doe is a native of Durham, N.H. He ranks with the most skillful merchant tailors in the State, and also deals in ready- made clothing and gent’s fine furnishings. The premises occupied comprise a store 24X48 feet in dimensions and a large workshop above. Eight assistants are employed. Entire satisfaction as regards fit, quality and finish being confidently guaranteed, and quality for quality no house in Newmarket is in a position to undersell this concern. Mr. Doe has a salesroom in Exeter, N. H., which is open to the public Wednesdays of every week. This enterprising gentleman is also the inventor and manufacturer of a patent hanger for coats and cloaks, which is meeting with a ready sale as it supplies a long felt want.
Joseph B. Bennett, Livery, Board and Feed and Stable, Water Street
The man who can ride behind a spirited and speedy horse-see him fly along at a word or a sign from his driver, or slacken up in obedience to a command, without a feeling of exhilaration and lightheartedness, has our profoundest sympathy, for the chances are that he is no longer able to enjoy anything. It is a pity that this form of relaxation is not made more general use of by business men, for if it were there would not be so many mournful tales of premature old age extant, so many cases of brain disease and insanity brought about by over-application and under recreation.
(photo taken 1910 by J. Thibeault shows livery & blacksmith shops on Water Street)
Fresh air, rapid motion, changes of scene, cheerful conversation-all these are remedial agents more efficacious and infinitely more agreeable than any to be found in an apothecary store. Of course, to obtain the best results from driving, an easy carriage and a strong, kind and quick-moving animal are requisite. Mr. Joseph B. Bennett, located on Water Street, is excellently prepared to suit the most critical of drivers, having a fine stable under his control, and the experience to guide him in the management of it. Mr. Bennett is a native of Lee N. H., and began operations in Newmarket in 1885, as a successor to Mr. John W. Wiggin. Mr. Bennett employs a competent assistant, and can furnish carriages on any and all occasions and also is prepared to take horses to feed or board at the most reasonable terms, and to guarantee them the best of care and attention.
E. P. Pinkham, dealer in Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Rubber Goods; Main Street
The establishment now conducted by Mr. E. P. Pinkham on Main Street is a family shoe store in the full sense of the term, for it contains a carefully chosen stock, of footwear, comprising men’s, women’s, boys’, youths’, girls’ and children’s boots, shoes, slippers and rubbers. Mr. Pinkham is a native of Newmarket, and was clerk for the late John L. Boardman (his uncle) for several years. After his decease (July 2, 1887) he conducted the business for his aunt for about a year and a half, and then bought her out in January, 1889. In November, 1890, he bought out the stock of boots and shoes of Mr. Samuel Valliere of the same town, and has consolidated both stocks into one store, which gives him a much better chance to supply his ever increasing trade. In fact he has the leading shoe store in town. The premises occupied are 1200 feet in size, and are very comfortably arranged. A full line of all the most fashionable novelties, as well as a fine selection of staple goods are constantly carried in stock, and as Mr. Pinkham gives close personal attention to all details of his business, all callers may depend upon receiving prompt and painstaking attention. It is no light task to keep a stock complete in every department, when it comprises everything from babies’ shoes to brogans, but Mr. Pinkham succeeds in so doing, and in offering his customers as genuine bargains as can be found anywhere. A full assortment of sizes is constantly on hand, and the most difficult feet can be fitted, and no city store can offer a much better variety than Mr. Pinkham. He is one or the enterprising dealers who endeavors to furnish his customers what they desire whether it is in stock or not, and if necessary, will send for any goods needed that is not on hand.
J. W. Smart, dealer in Lumber, Newmarket
There is a vast quantity of building material sold in Newmarket every year and the magnitude of this trade is steadily increasing as the inducements offered by local dealers become more generally known. Among those identified with this business here, mention must he made of Mr. J. W. Smart, for he carries on operations on a very liberal scale and is prepared to meet all honorable competition, furnishing goods of standard quality at the very lowest market rates. The business he now conducts was founded by him. His premises are sufficiently spacious and are very conveniently located, and a very well assorted stock is constantly carried, comprising dressed lumber, laths, shingles, etc. A very brisk and steadily growing trade is enjoyed, which is hut the natural result of the strict and painstaking attention given to business by the proprietor. Mr. Smart deals in spruce, hemlock and pine lumber, pickets, laths, shingles. He guarantees everything sold by him to be strictly as represented, and spares, no pains to maintain the enviable reputation be long since won.
H. H. Pinkham, Boots and Shoes, Main Street, Newmarket
The most successful buyer is the one who discriminates between” goods cheap” and “cheap goods,” and it is just such a buyer who will find the most to admire in the assortment of boots and shoes offered by Mr. H. H. Pinkham at his establishment on Main Street, for this gentleman carries on business on the “quick sales and small profits” system, and both his goods and his prices combine to form a very powerful argument in favor of patronizing his establishment. Mr. Pinkham is a native of Newmarket, and began operations in his present enterprise over twenty years ago, and as may be guessed, by the inducements he offers, he is thoroughly conversant with his business in every detail. He gives close personal attention to the demands of his patrons, and is prepared to fill all orders without delay, and in a satisfactory manner. The premises occupied are about 800 feet in size, and contain a most complete line of boots and shoes. All feet can be fitted, all tastes suited, and as for prices,-why call and see for yourself!
B. P. Haley & C0. Wholesale Clothiers. Sawyer’s Woolens a Specialty, Newmarket & No 56 Summer St. Boston
Mr. B. F. Haley is one of the best known men in the New England clothing trade, he having been identified with that business for many years, during which time his productions have been extensively introduced not only throughout the East but also in the West and South. He was associated with his brother, the present cashier of the Newmarket National Bank, for some time, the firm-name being S. A. & B. F. Haley, and when Mr. Samuel A. Haley left the firm in 1855 to attend to his banking duties, Mr. B. F. Haley continued alone and built up a very large wholesale and retail trade. He now has associated with him his son, Mr. C. H. Haley, under the firm name of B. F. Haley & Co., this concern does an exclusively wholesale business maintains an establishment in Dover as well as in Newmarket, but a large amount of their work is done in New York, Boston, and in Maine. About fifty are generally employed in the Dover shop and about seventy-five here, but this force is sometimes very largely increased in these places and the firm’s facilities elsewhere are such as to enable to fill the most extensive orders at very short notice. The Newmarket factory occupies an entire three story building, 30X 100 feet in dimensions and fitted up with everything necessary to enable operations to be carried on to the best possible advantage. A specialty is made of Sawyer’s woolens and the firm is prepared to quote positively bottom prices on clothing made from these staple goods, and to meet all honorable competition in the manufacture of garments from any of the other materials in ordinary use. The Boston office is at No. 56 Summer Street, and many heavy orders are filled for New York and Boston and for large dealers in other parts of the country; several travelling men being constantly on the road. Mr. B. F. Haley is a native of Lee, N. H., and has served on the Newmarket board of selectmen, and also as representative. Mr. C. H. Haley was born in Newmarket. Both members of the firm give the business close personal attention, and as a natural consequence orders are promptly and accurately filled, and the workmanship and prices prove satisfactory to the most critical.
There are no jewelry stores in this portion of the State that are better known than that carried on by Mr. Jas. A, Spead, in the post office, and it goes without saying that this establishment is as favorably as it is widely known, for otherwise no such patronage would be enjoyed as is now the case. Mr. Spead is a native of this town, and inaugurated the enterprise in question over twelve years ago, and has held the position of tax-collector, he does a retail trade in watches, clocks and jewelry, making a specialty of cleaning repairing, and warranting these articles, and owners of fine chronometers may leave their time pieces here with the full assurance that they will be handled in a skillful manner and put into the best possible order. All standard makes of watches are sold and bargains may be bad either in the purchase of a cheap movement or in the most elaborate productions of the watch maker’s art; clocks of many kinds are also dealt in, and solid and plated silverware is sold at the lowest market rates. Patent medicines and stationery are kept in stock and during the coming season. Mr. Spead will add to his business a stock of stoves and oil-stoves. He is agent for the sale of the Columbia bicycle and also does repair work on any kind of bicycle. A small printing office is conducted in connection with the store, where job printing will be done in a satisfactory manner. Every caller is assured prompt attention and strictly honorable treatment. Mr. Spead also deals in choice fruits, confectionery, cigars and tobacco, to which he devotes the front part of his store, and always has a fine and fresh selection of these articles on hand; also soda water with a variety of syrups; and selling at the lowest market rates.
Charles B. Stuart, General Store; Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. Groceries, Flour and Grain, South Newmarket
The business conducted by Mr. Chas B. Stuart in this town was founded some twenty five years ago, and has long been looked upon as one of the most truly representative enterprises of the kind in South Newmarket. Since passing under his control it has become more popular than ever, for not only has the old reputation for square dealing been fully maintained, but increased pains have been taken to keep the stock complete in every department, to handle none but reliable goods and to quote prices as low as the lowest, while it is generally conceded that at no store of the kind in this town is the service more prompt, courteous and generally efficient. Tile premises used cover an area of some 2,000 feet in dimensions, and no space is wasted either, for a heavy stock is carried, comprising full lines of staple groceries: flour and grain, dry goods, boots and shoes, etc., etc., all well and carefully chosen. Mr. Stuart is a native of Massachusetts and has served in the army, and is thoroughly familiar with the handling of general merchandise. He gives close personal attention to the many details of the business and takes especial care to see that orders are promptly filled. Goods guaranteed as represented and at lowest prices.
Thomas Leddy, General Store, Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, South Newmarket
Mr. Thos. Leddy is a native of Boston, Mass., and has carried on the enterprise with which he is now identified for about six years, he having succeeded Albert Field in 1884, and establishing the firm of Field & Leddy which was afterwards changed to the present proprietor’s name. Mr. Leddy utilizes one floor and a basement of the dimensions of 25x60 feet, and carries a very choice and varied stock, giving evidence of careful and skillful selection in every department and comprising staple and fancy groceries of every description, dry goods, hardware, boots and shoes, and many other articles that can be always found in a general country store. No fancy prices are quoted, and indeed, Mr. Leddy makes a practice of furnishing all the commodities in which he deals at the lowest market rates. Employment is given to two competent and reliable assistants, though Mr. Leddy gives his own personnel supervision to all orders, which are promptly and accurately filled, and callers may depend upon receiving polite attention. Mr. Leddy has also been postmaster and was twenty-one years ago a clerk in the same store in which he is now proprietor. He was also in trade in Epping for eleven years before becoming proprietor here.
The Swamscot Machine Company was incorporated in 1846 by Messrs. Amos Paul, Walter E. Hawes, and Seneca C. Kennard, but a portion of the business now carried on by the company had an even earlier origin for in 1865 the company purchased the plant and good will of the Newmarket Iron Foundry, a corporation which bad been formed in 1834 by Messrs. Amos Paul, George O. Hilton, John B. Rider and Joseph G. Skinner. Prior to the purchase of this enterprise by the Swamscot Machine Company it had been carried on in conjunction with the latter, Mr. Paul acting as agent for both corporations, but it was thought that actual union would be advantageous to all parties concerned and time ‘has proved the correctness of this supposition for a very extensive and profitable business has been built up, and the plant of the company is so huge and complete as to enable it to do a great variety of work and to fill the heaviest orders at short notice. Mr. Amos Paul, the president, treasurer and agent of the company, is a native of South Newmarket.
The premises controlled by the company have an area of about ten acres, about one-fifth of which is covered by buildings, and the location is almost an ideal one from a manufacturer’s standpoint for the land is on both sides of the Boston &; Maine R R., and has a frontage on the Swamscot River and wharfage facilities for the reception of coal, iron, etc., and the shipping of manufactured products, for the stream is navigable and hence affords valuable opportunity for the cheap transportation of bulky commodities. The plant of machinery is of the most improved type and power is furnished by steam engines.
Among the articles manufactured are wrought-iron, steam and gas pipe; brass, cast-iron and malleable iron fittings; radiators and steam boilers, stationary and portable engines, including the Swamscot Corliss Steam Engine; also the Fifield Tram Road Locomotive, gasometers and gas works, and mill work of all descriptions. Special attention is given to the making of locomotives, marine and tubular boilers, ship tanks, automatic sprinkler systems, and steam heating apparatus for public buildings, factories and dwelling houses; every detail of the work being skillfully carried out and selected material being used. The company are sole manufacturers of the famous “Hanlon’s Petroleum Gas Works,” and are prepared to make all kinds of plate iron work, and iron, and brass castings to order at short notice, employment being given to from 175 to 250 men. They also make boiler plate planers, spring boiler tube expanders, Quinn’s patent Ferrules for repairing leaky boiler tubes, Barlow’s patent bleaching kiers, dye becks, mangle frames, squeezing frames, swing folding machines, hot room furnaces, color mixers and steam and ageing boxes for print works. The sale-rooms are at No. 98 Milk street, Boston, and every order is assured prompt and careful attention and will be filled at the lowest rates consistent with the uniformly good work for which the company is noted.
JOHN TORREY, Dealer in Groceries, Flour and Grain, Dry Goods, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Ladies’ and Gents’ Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Hardware and Crockery, Sawed and Split Wood, Cement, Bricks, Etc. South Newmarket
This enterprise is deserving of particularly prominent mention in any review of the representative business undertakings of South Newmarket and vicinity, not only on account of the great extent to which it has been developed, but also by reason of the high personal standing its proprietor has in the community. Mr. Torrey is a native of Newburyport, Mass., and established this business some ten years ago. The premises occupied cover an area of 1500 feet in dimensions, and a large retail trade is carried on, made up of choice staple and fancy groceries: flour, grain, dry goods, gents’ furnishing goods, ladies’ and gents’ boots, shoes and rubbers, crockery and hardware, lime, cement, brick, wood. Etc… These articles are in every instance guaranteed to prove precisely as represented, and are offered at prices that will bear the most severe examination and comparison, for Mr. Torrey has always made it a rule not to allow himself to be undersold in the handling of dependable goods, and be was never better prepared than now to successfully meet all honorable competition. Employment is given to two efficient assistants, and every caller is assured prompt and courteous attention, while all orders are promptly filled and accurately delivered at short notice, and we most certainly recommend our readers to pay this store a visit, for the stock of goods is most complete in every department.
Hanson’s Livery Stable, F. A. Hanson, Proprietor, Boarding and Feeding, South Newmarket
The majority of those who patronize livery stables are not unreasonable and therefore do not expect to be furnished with horses that can trot in 2.30, or with carriages that look as though they never bad been used, but even the best natured customer may be excused for kicking when he is supplied with the lame apology for a horse and the antediluvian vehicle which some public stable keepers seem to think ought to be entirely satisfactory. It is very poor policy to force patrons to put up with such” accommodations,” for it has a tendency to disgust them with hiring teams, and to cause them either to give up driving or to get a turnout of their own. We think that the methods followed by Mr. F. A. Hanson, might be profitably imitated by some of the stable keepers whom we could name, for he spares no pains to keep a sufficiency of desirable teams on hand for livery purposes, and although he makes no extravagant claims, still his rigs will compare favorably with the average turnout in this vicinity. Mr. Hanson is a native of Newmarket, N.H. and succeeded to the business of Geo. P. Hanson, who established it in 1878. The premises utilized are spacious and well arranged a general livery, boarding and feeding business is done, and employment is given to good stable men, so that aJ1 orders are assured immediate and careful attention. The charges are uniformly moderate and the service given is much appreciated.
Newfield House, William. McDonald, Proprietor, South Newmarket
South Newmarket is one of the most attractive towns in New Hampshire, and as it is also quite a business center, it is visited by many strangers at all seasons of the year. Under these circumstances the question of hotel accommodation assumes no little importance, and it is perfectly safe to assert that the enviable reputation South Newmarket enjoys among non-residents is due in a great measure to the nature of the accommodations provided at the Newfield House, for this is a thoroughly well managed establishment, and, without making any extravagant pretensions, affords a service decidedly superior to that generally obtainable outside the larger cities.
The proprietor, Mr. Wm. McDonald, is a native of Exeter, N. H., and has been identified with his present enterprise since 1889. He spares no pains to secure the comfort of guests, and employs an ample force of competent assistants, so that the hotel and its appointments are kept in first class condition, and the service is uniformly prompt and dependable. The Newport House is very pleasantly located, and can room some fifteen to twenty persons. The table is supplied with an abundance of seasonable food at all times of the year, and the cooking will compare very favorably with that done at many hotels and restaurants making much greater pretensions in this department. The terms of the house are very reasonable, and those who put up here once will surely come again. A stable well equipped is also connected with this hotel.