Books in Bold & Underlined available at Newmarket Public Library

    (NHS)  on file at New Market Historical Society

    (1)  Red Schanda, “Joe Dixx” column, 1994 Exeter/Hampton Newsletter (NHS)

    (2)  The Tide Turns on the Lamprey, History of Newmarket by Sylvia Fitts Getchell, 1984, Capital Offset Company, Concord, NH (NHS)

    (3)  Lamprey River Village, the Early Years, by Sylvia Fitts Getchell, Newmarket Press, 1976 (NHS)

    (4)  Old Newmarket, Historical Sketches, by Nellie Palmer George, News-Letter Press, Exeter, NH, 1932  (NHS)

    (5)  Surrounding Town Histories:

    A) Early History of Newmarket included in  History of Newfields, New Hampshire 1638-1911,  by Rev. James Hill Fitts, Rumford Press, Concord NH, 1912 (NHS). Also available on Google Books:  (

    B) History of the Town of Durham by Everett S. Stackpole, Lucien Thompson, Winthrop S. Meserve, 1913. Revised 1973 NH Publishing Company, Somersworth, NH (NHS)

    C) Landmarks of Ancient Dover, NH by Mary P. Thompson, 1965, Durham Historic Association (NHS)

    D) History of the Town of Exeter, NH by Charles H. Bell, 1888. Available on Google Books:

    6)  “Ports of Piscataqua” by William G. Saltonstall, Harvard University Press, 1941

    (8)  New Hampshire as a State Provence. William Henry  Frye, Volume #29, Issue #2. Columbia University Political Science Faculty Dissertation, New York, 1908

    (9)  Mary Richardson’s Notebook, unpublished, on file at The New Market Historical Society, Stone School Museum (NHS)

    (10)  Lee NH Historical Homes, website,

    (11)  N.H. State Papers, VII, p. 630.

    (12)  The Dartmoor Prison “American Cemetery Restoration” Project (

    (14)  Newmarket Early Shipping Industry and the Mitchell / Folsom Family. Nina Folsom Moss. “A History of William Harrison Folsom”. Salt Lake City: 1973.  The actual indenture document itself can be found at “Family Memorial: Records of the Boreman, Bordman and Boardman Families of New Hampshire and Maine” by Samuel Lane  Boardman, Samuel Lane, 1836-191. Published 1876, Boston Public Library. Section re: General Hill written by the General’s granddaughter.

    (15)  Notes sent to the New Market Historical Society in February 1985 by Robert Whitehouse from his father’s collection, a shipping enthusiast and Dover historian (NHS)

    (16)  History of Rockingham County by Charles A. Hazlett, Richmond-Arnold Publishing, Chicago, Ill., 1915. Boat traffic after 1880 p. 567 (NHS)

    (17)  The Gundalow Company of Portsmouth website:

    (18)  James Hill Note Book, Wellesley College Library, transcription on file at New Market Historical Society (NHS)

    (19)  Wealth & Honor, Portsmouth During the Golden Age of Privateering 1775-1815  by Richard E. Wilson, published Peter E. Randall for Portsmouth Marine Society. 

    (20)  Full accounting of the Life of Phoebe Tenney, Missionary work in China (   

    (21)  William Scott Ament and the Boxer Rebellion: Heroism, Hubris, and the Ideal Missionary by Larry Clinton Thompson. McFarland Publishing Company, 2009, pp. 80+

    (22)  The Ropemakers of Plymouth: A History of the Plymouth Cordage Company by Samuel Eliot Morison, 1950

    (23)  “HEMP IN NEW ENGLAND” by John E. Dvorak

    (24)  Newmarket Historic District by Dr. Richard Candee, 1980. Commissioned by the Town of Newmarket (NHS)

    (25)  Honorable James B. Creighton, Biography by George Walker & Ralph Jackson (NHS)

    (26)  The Village Blacksmith by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. E.P. Dutton, New York, NY, 1890

    (27)  American Life, Erica Lome, History, Pilgrim Era, Plymoth Colony, Plymoth Rock, The New World, Tools

    (28)  Books by Helen Dore Boylston: Sister: A Journal published in 1920 by Atlantic Monthly Press. Which she later turned into her first book Sister: The War Diary of a Nurse (1927), in which she detailed her wartime experiences.  Also:

    • Travels With Zenobia, Paris to Albania by Model T Ford
    • Sue Barton Nurse series
    • Backstage with Carol Page (Actress) Series

    (29)  Postal Service in Colonial America, a Bibliography of Material in the Smithsonian Institution Libraries National Postal Museum Branch. Compiled by Timothy Carr and Debra Shumate.

    (30)  Postal Routes, NH House of Representatives, NH State Papers v.20 (1784-87)

    (31)  Colonial Era History of Dover New Hampshire by John Scales, 1923

    (32)  Granite Monthly, Feb-March 1908, “An Unchartered Town, Newmarket on the Lamprey – Historical Notes and Personal Sketches” by John Harvey.  (NHS). Online New Market Historical Society website:

    (33)  Masonic 100th Anniversary Celebration 1926 (NHS)  

    (34)  Saco Valley Settlements and Families by Gideon T. Ridlon - Walter Bryant Family Collection, Google Books:

    (35)  History of the Fifteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers, 1862-1863 by Charles McGregor

    Also consulted: Newmarket Advertiser Newspaper issues 1892 to 1931  - online via Lee  (NH) Public Library, Archives